This page last changed on Feb 04, 2005 by sbannasch.

TEEMSS2 Embedded Assessments

Embedded Assessment Design Questions
  • What types of embedded assessments will we support?
  • How, when and by whom will they be created?
  • How will the data collected be presented to students, teachers, and researchers?
  • Multiple users beable to use the same palm, will their response kept separate?
Types of Assessments
Assessment Presentation Elements
of the Assessment
Question text, image, drawing, table, graph, data collection
Conceptual Probe text, image, drawing. datatable, graph, model
Challenge text, image, drawing, datatable, graph, model
Presentation Elements

These are the types of content objects that can be used to represent the content of an assessment. They can be mixed to form compund documents.

  • Text: simple formatted text (bold, italics, headings, lists, ? links ?)
  • Links: A link can be text or an image
  • Image: either photos or processed images
  • Drawing: similar to an image however it takes much less memory as only the data for the strokes are saved
  • Datatable: this is a CCPortfolio table of data
  • Graph: this is a CCPortfolio graph of data
  • Model: this is a manipulatible model-based simulation
Types of Response Data

These are the types of data created explicitly or implicitly be the user which can be collected and used to create reports.

  • Text (written)
  • Drawing
  • Numeric (written or selected from a range)
  • Multiple Choice (select from a list)
  • Graph (either collected or constructed)
  • Data samples (ability to use group names so each member of the group is required to collect a sample)

Notes and Resources from our Conversations

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:43